This is a national online tax return service, targeting low cost, high volume business. The client wanted a fully automated system for taking tax return information from a client online, eradicating the need for local offices.
FM produced a package that covered everything the company needed to achieve their targets, including additional services in writing their back end methodology and introduction of a new specialised tax software. Here are some of it’s features:
FM not only designed the website and all the integrated forms but also the entire back end system to reduce service time and increase profitability. This included an automated form system that exports clients details, taken entirely online, in a format that can be uploaded straight into a customised tax software. This allows the accountant to skip any paperwork and go ahead producing the tax return, cutting out 60% of the time required. This means the company can offer vastly reduced prices while still keeping a qualified accountant at the helms, which their competitors cannot afford to do.
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